Mayank Sharma Image


Dr. Mayank Sharma is a director at Optimum Design . He did his PhD from IIT Roorke. His core research focusses on evaluating the collapse performance of different types of reinforced concrete buildings. His research includes application of performance-based earthquake engineering, probabilistic vulnerability analysis, and seismic hazard assessment. His PhD work was jointly advised by Prof. Yogendra Singh (IIT-R) and Prof. Henry Burton (University of California Los Angeles, UCLA) and is funded by MoE (Ministry of Education, India) scholarship. In addition to structural and earthquake engineering, his academic background includes courses on seismic hazard assessment, geotechnical engineering, reliability analysis and steel design. He completed his masters in structural and earthquake engineering from UCLA. During his masters, Dr. Sharma worked on aftershock collapse vulnerability of infilled frames as a graduate researcher in BRG (Prof. Burton’s Research Group).
